Are You Getting the Most From Your Residential Solar Panel System?

Maximizing the Value of Residential Solar

Making the decision to go solar is easier for some households than it is for others. After all, even with federal tax incentives and a variety of financing options available, going solar can still be a significant investment depending on the size of the system and the type of equipment being installed.

For this reason, getting the absolute most from your residential solar panel system is crucial. If you are considering going solar or had a system installed and you want to make sure it is working at peak efficiency, here are five tips for getting the most from your residential solar panel system.

#1: Charge Your Devices During the Day

If your home is filled with electronic devices that require charging, like smartphones, tablets, laptops, e-readers, wireless headphones, and Bluetooth speakers, then you will want to charge them during the day when your solar system is generating electricity at its highest efficiency.

When the sun goes down, unplug the devices from their chargers and remove the power packs from the wall outlets. Power packs continue to leach electricity even when they aren’t being used to charge their devices, so removing this unnecessary draw will help improve the amount of stored energy you will have at your disposal to get you through the evening hours.

#2: Use One Appliance at a Time

Every appliance that you use draws stored electricity from your batteries. So, you want to avoid using multiple appliances at one time to ensure your solar system can keep up with the demand. For instance, if you need to run the dishwasher, wait to turn it on until after you’re done vacuuming. If you are in the kitchen cooking dinner, leave the television off.

#3: Adjust Your Panels Four Times Per Year (if Possible)

Not every solar installation comes with adjustable solar panels, but if yours did, then throughout the year there will be times when you can make subtle adjustments to the tilt of your panels to help optimize their efficiency. While every region is different, on average the adjustments you should make include:

  • February – The angle of your solar panels should be equal to your location’s latitude
  • May – You should reduce the tilt of your panels by 15 degrees
  • August – You should return the tilt angle of your panels to February’s angle
  • November – You should increase the angle of your tilt by 15 degrees

#4: Keep Your Solar Panels Clean

Besides providing you with a dependable source of clean and sustainable energy, your solar system is also extremely durable. But while very little maintenance is usually required to keep a system in good operating order, you will want to ensure your panels are always clean because even a little dust and debris on your panels will reduce the efficiency of your system.

You can clean your panels manually, but using a certified solar maintenance company is preferred to ensure that they system’s more sensitive parts get the cleaning and care they deserve.

#5: Monitor Your Solar System With an App

Monitoring the efficiency of your solar system is the best way to see if your energy conservation efforts are paying off. But not all systems come with easy-to-read monitor stations. Luckily, there are several apps available on the market that can allow you to track your home’s energy usage using your smartphone or tablet. Some of the more popular options available include:

Knowing what your solar system is producing and what your home’s energy usage is are two things you need to stay on top of to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment. Going solar will require you to make a few small adjustments in your life, but it’s nothing compared to the benefits you’ll enjoy by removing your dependency on the nation’s antiquated and quickly deteriorating electrical grid.

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