Is California Influencing Other States Adoption of Solar Power?

How Much Does Energy Policy in the Golden State Carry Beyond Its Borders?

California has been in the lead for just about every metric that measures home solar adoption and installation since the beginning of the solar installation industry. California has also led the nation when it comes to utility-scale solar projects, solar storage, and policy initiatives that push solar as a viable alternative to our continued reliance on fossil fuels.

There is an old adage that states, “as California goes, so goes the nation.” Given the growing dangers associated with climate change and the ongoing impact of the carbon released through our consumption of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels, there may be some hope that the rest of the US will follow California’s lead on clean energy. But, is California truly influencing other states to adopt more solar power?

more “Is California Influencing Other States Adoption of Solar Power?”

Solar Savings by State: Who’s on Top?

Which States Have Led the Movement Towards Clean Energy?

Solar energy is sweeping the nation, but some states have been a little quicker to jump on the bandwagon than others. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the states on the coasts, which often have the biggest population centers with high energy requirements, and where there generally seems to be a larger movement with respect to concerns about the impact of energy use on our environment, are pushing solar energy a bit harder than the southern and midwestern states.

Residents in these other areas of the country may have lower energy needs and may also be more reliant on fossil fuels for their economies, as is typically the case. But when we really drill down, where does each state stand on solar energy savings? Read on to find out the details now.

more “Solar Savings by State: Who’s on Top?”