What Do I Actually Get When I Buy Residential Solar Panels?

What Do I Actually Get When I Buy Residential Solar Panels?

Every passing year, climate change deeply impacts the nature of our weather. Today, it’s not uncommon to go lengthy durations in the summer where rain seems to never come. It’s day after day of sunny, hot, and humid weather. And all that heat can cause electricity bills to skyrocket.

But this same problem is also one of the reasons why going solar makes such good sense. Not only does solar help combat climate change, but it also allows you to take full advantage of all that excess sunshine. more “What Do I Actually Get When I Buy Residential Solar Panels?”

Five Common Questions About Purchasing Residential Solar Panels

Five Common Questions About Purchasing Residential Solar Panels

Making the decision to go solar isn’t always as easy for some homeowners as it is for others. After all, purchasing solar panels is still a hefty investment despite costs having dropped by 80% over the last couple of decades.

Because of the financial responsibility, it is important to ask your installer as many questions as you can to help ensure that you are making the best decision for your energy needs and budget. There is no doubt that going solar delivers far more benefits than risks, but it’s still an investment, and the more you know before jumping in, the better.

If you are on the fence about purchasing solar panels for your home, then here are the five most common questions to ask your installer to help you make your decision. more “Five Common Questions About Purchasing Residential Solar Panels”

What Happens to My Solar Panels If I Move?

Selling Your Home and Not Sure What to Do About Your Solar Panels?

Solar panels are a great way to cut down on energy costs, but between purchasing and installing the actual equipment and getting the necessary permits, they can be a big investment. If a new job, a new baby, or simple wanderlust is taking you to another city, state, or county as you purchase a new home, what to do with that solar investment is a question you’ll have to answer.

Whether you end up selling your solar panels along with your home or taking them with you to your new home can involves several considerations. In this article, we take a look at how to make the decision about moving solar panels when you buy a new home.

more “What Happens to My Solar Panels If I Move?”