Solar Panel Safety: Precautions, Maintenance, Hazards, and Safety Measures  

What Solar Panel Owners Need to Know About Maintenance and More

Once a solar system is installed and up and running, it will require very little maintenance to keep providing clean energy to the home. But this doesn’t mean that it is totally maintenance free. In fact, most manufacturers recommend some degree of maintenance to be performed four times per year to ensure the system is operating at peak performance.

Because solar panels convert the sun’s rays into energy, they can pose a risk to homeowners who don’t take the proper safety measures when cleaning and maintaining their systems. In this post, you’ll learn how to practice proper solar panel safety by first understanding the system’s maintenance needs and taking the necessary steps to ensure you’re safe at all times while cleaning your panels. more “Solar Panel Safety: Precautions, Maintenance, Hazards, and Safety Measures  “

Do My Solar Panels Need Servicing?

Keeping Your Residential Solar Panels in Top Shape Through Maintenance

Aside from their robust environmental value as a renewable source of clean energy, solar panels are also prized for their ability to provide consistent power with very little maintenance. However, when you’re relying on solar power for heat, electricity, and many other essential utilities, it’s natural to wonder whether your residential solar panel system needs servicing.

And if it does, how often and who is the best person to perform it? With those questions in mind, here are five factors to keep in mind when considering having regular or annual maintenance done on your residential solar panels.

more “Do My Solar Panels Need Servicing?”