Solar Plus Storage: A Guide to Solar Power Storage for the Homeowner

Solar Power Generation Plus Storage for a Complete Solution

For many people considering taking the plunge and going solar, examining the staggering array of options available these days may be an early and high hurdle. At first glance, it may seem like solar power should be a relatively simple thing – if you leave out how the solar panels work themselves. You put the panels on your roof, pointed toward the sun. They generate electricity, and your house uses that power to run your lights, your appliances, your television, etc. Roughly speaking, that is certainly how it works.

Going solar will also require all of the necessary modifications to your home’s circuit breaker. There will also be additional equipment needed to convert the power that the cells generate into power that can be used to turn on your appliances, lights, and other electrical things. more “Solar Plus Storage: A Guide to Solar Power Storage for the Homeowner”