Residential Solar: Understanding Basic Terms so You Can Make an Informed Choice

A Glossary of Useful and Common Terms Associated With Residential Solar

Solar installers, like many professionals who work in the technology field, can sometimes confuse their customers when they use industry jargon. Most don’t realize that they could be compromising their sale by keeping things too complicated for the layman to understand, and this is unfortunate because choosing not to go solar not only hurts the solar installer, but also the homeowner.

If you are thinking about going solar, then it is important to ask your salesperson any question that comes to your mind. Ask them to simplify their wordage, so you can better understand exactly what it is that you are buying and how it works. You’re paying for your solar system, so you have the right to know as much as possible about it. more “Residential Solar: Understanding Basic Terms so You Can Make an Informed Choice”