Are You Getting the Most From Your Residential Solar Panel System?

Maximizing the Value of Residential Solar

Making the decision to go solar is easier for some households than it is for others. After all, even with federal tax incentives and a variety of financing options available, going solar can still be a significant investment depending on the size of the system and the type of equipment being installed.

For this reason, getting the absolute most from your residential solar panel system is crucial. If you are considering going solar or had a system installed and you want to make sure it is working at peak efficiency, here are five tips for getting the most from your residential solar panel system. more “Are You Getting the Most From Your Residential Solar Panel System?”

What Do Solar Panels Generally Cost and How Do I Know They’re Worth It?

What Should I Be Paying for Residential Solar Panels?

The upfront cost of going solar is one of the primary reasons why some homeowners stay on the fence for some time before finally making their decision one way or the other. But unlike most home improvements, a solar system is designed to save you money and over time, it will even pay for itself.

Despite this, however, homeowners still must come to terms with that initial financial output and this can leave many wondering if going solar is really worth it. In today’s post, you will find out how much solar panels generally cost and the type of savings you can expect from having them installed on your home. more “What Do Solar Panels Generally Cost and How Do I Know They’re Worth It?”

Recycling and Solar: What Happens to Solar Panels When We’re Done With Them?

Do Solar Panels Get Recycled Post-Use?

Solar panels are extremely long-lived. In fact, the average solar panel is designed to work efficiently for as many as 30 years or more. But like everything, age does take its toll and eventually, solar panels will need to be replaced.

So, what happens to your old solar panels when it comes time to replace them with new ones? In this post, you will learn more about solar panel recycling and how your old panels are actually paving the way for the future of the industry. more “Recycling and Solar: What Happens to Solar Panels When We’re Done With Them?”

How Many Solar Panels Does It Take to Power the Average Home?

How Many Solar Panels Will I Need?

If you are thinking about going solar, then one of the most important things you need to consider is how many solar panels you will need to adequately power your home. After all, the last thing you want to have happen is for your system to be sized too small, and for it not to provide you with the amount of clean energy you desired. You also don’t want to install more panels than necessary, as that will only add excess cost to your solar installation.

Getting it right is a matter of knowing what your home’s current energy use is, and how many solar panels will be required to satisfy that demand. This guide will help you learn more about solar panel energy production, so you can work with your installer to ensure you’re buying enough panels for your home. more “How Many Solar Panels Does It Take to Power the Average Home?”

6 Tips for Purchasing Your First Residential Solar Power System

What to Look for in Residential Solar

If you made the decision to purchase your first residential solar power system, then congratulations are in order. Welcome to the world of sustainable clean energy and lower energy bills. But before you get too far ahead of yourself, there are some things you should pay close attention to when choosing the right system for your home’s unique needs.

In today’s post, we share six important tips that will help ensure the solar power system you have installed will fit your lifestyle and budget. more “6 Tips for Purchasing Your First Residential Solar Power System”

Is the Spring Season a Good Time to Purchase Solar Panels?

What’s the Best Season to Buy Solar Panels in?

When it comes to having solar installed, there really is no “bad” season to have the job done (unless you live in an area that receives a lot of snow in the winter). But there are many reasons why spring might be more ideal than summer or fall to purchase your solar panels.

Here are our top five reasons why the spring season might be the best time to have your solar system installed. more “Is the Spring Season a Good Time to Purchase Solar Panels?”

What Do I Need to Know About Owning Solar Panels?

What Do I Need to Know About Owning Solar Panels?

A solar system is comprised of many different parts, but the one component that will require the most attention from the homeowner is the solar panels. When you own a solar system, its performance efficiency will be affected by the quality of your panels and how well you are able to maintain them.

If you are thinking about going solar this year, then here’s what you need to know about owning solar panels, from choosing the right panels to properly maintaining them. more “What Do I Need to Know About Owning Solar Panels?”

Three Great Reasons to Make the Switch to Solar Power in 2021

Are You Ready to Get Solar Panels on Your Roof This Year?

If you have been thinking about going solar, but haven’t made the decision to purchase yet, then 2021 might be the year you will want to finally take the leap. There are several reasons why going solar makes good sense, such as lower energy bills, living an environmentally aware lifestyle, and more, but there are a few reasons why you might not want to put off going solar for another year.

Here are three great reasons why 2021 should be the year you make the switch to solar power. more “Three Great Reasons to Make the Switch to Solar Power in 2021”

What Do You Need to Go Solar? Examining Your Residential Roof for Solar

Taking Advantage of Solar: Is Your Home Ready?

With federal tax credits starting to decline for new solar customers, now is the time to go solar if you want to be able to recoup as much of your investment as possible with them. But before you take the plunge, you should find out if your home’s roof is an ideal candidate for solar because not every roof out there is.

In this guide, you will learn the five most important things to look for in your roof to determine if you have everything you need to go solar. more “What Do You Need to Go Solar? Examining Your Residential Roof for Solar”

How to Get Solar Panels Installed on a House in 5 Easy Steps

The Solar Panel Installation Process

Many concerned people with an eye on their power bill and some thought for the environment are out there, considering making the switch to solar. They’re no longer hung up on solar panels being an expensive undertaking that delivers a few environmental benefits. These days, they’re thinking that solar panels are a force when it comes to saving money on electric bills and boosting a home’s overall value.

Given the tremendous benefits of solar energy, the last thing to consider is just how the process of solar panel installation will impact your life. In truth, making the switch to solar is a fairly simple process, especially when you hire qualified professional installers. In this article, we look at the steps they’ll take when turning your home into a solar-powered property. more “How to Get Solar Panels Installed on a House in 5 Easy Steps”